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Conservation Meeting Minutes 5/1/03
Conservation Commission
May 1, 2003

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Katherine Roth, Hank Langstroth, and Janet Dunlap were the members present.Peter Holden and Mike Cook arrived at 7:53 p.m.

7:45 p.m. Hearing Continuance, N.O.I. - Omnipoint Holdings, Inc., proposed installation of a wireless communications facility at 1000 General Edwards Highway  DEP # SE-280-438:

Bob Lucia from Wetlands and Environmental Testing, Inc., represented the Applicant and submitted a color-coded revised erosion control Plan No. C-3 dated 4/16/03, to the Commission.
The size of the compound has been modified by 25 square feet and now measures 20'x30'. The entire compound and driveway is outside of the 25' No Disturb Line, with the exception of the erosion controls, which will be removed at the completion of the project. The lawn and herbaceous growth will be restored after the work is completed.
The siltation fence has been wrapped around a telephone pole at the starting point of the proposed work, in Walpole, and the Pull Box has been marked on the plan.
Bob told the Commission that a RDA Hearing was held in Walpole for the proposed work and the
Negative Determination is being issued.   
Peg stated that the Order of Conditions would specify to limit the disturbance between the compound and the 25' No Disturb Line, and to contact Greg prior to starting the project to inspect the installation of the haybales/siltfence for erosion control/mitigation.
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing. Hank moved. Mike seconded. Voted. 5-0-1.

8:00 p.m. Meeting with David Klayman, Lot 106 Eisenhower Drive:

David Klayman appeared before the Commission and presented a plan from Miller Engineering entitled, Plan of Wetlands, dated 4/29/03.
David anticipates that this plan will help expedite the Commission's approval of a wetland line.
Peg informed David that Greg has removed all the wetland flags that were not needed on the site.
There are three remaining flag lines on the site, the Peter Fletcher Line (soil line), Vegetated line, and the P.E.G./SCC Line.  
The members of the Commission concurred to visit the site to review the wetland lines before the
next scheduled meeting with David Klayman on  May 15 at 8:00 p.m.

8:10 p.m. Review Mountain Street L.L.C. RDA Revised Plan - for the determination of erosion control  and other mitigative measures to perform the geotechnical investigations in two locations on the southern end of the property:

The Commission reviewed the revised plan dated 4/16/03.
The Commission concurred for Greg to contact Bob Ingram and thank him for marking the location for the second water line hook up on the revised plan, however, there is no indication of where the erosion control devices would be installed.
Peg suggested that a copy of the 4/10/03 SCC Meeting Minutes could be faxed to Bob referencing the Commission's request to mark the haybale installation on the revised plan.
The Commission asked Greg to visit the site and indicate the installation of the erosion control devices to be marked on the revised plan.

8:20 p.m. Review Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the April 10, 2003 Meeting Minutes with corrections.
Hank moved. Kathy seconded. Voted. 5-0-1.

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8:25 p.m.  The Commission discussed Proposed Dog Park:

Peg informed the Commission that some residents have shown an interest in having a Dog Park in Sharon.
Dave Clifton has suggested to the residents that the Horizons for Youth Subdivision, (the open meadow at the corner of Morse St./Lakeview St., which is Trusted Land), may be a possible location for the Dog Park.
The Commission concurred for Greg to contact Sandy Shmaryahu, spokesperson for the Dog Park, to arrange a meeting with the Commission on June 5.

8:30 p.m. Other Issues:

Peg mentioned to Mike and Peter that their membership in the SCC is expiring soon and requested that they advise her as soon as possible regarding their position for re-appointment so that the Selectmen can be notified.

Peg informed the Commission that Greg has received some feedback about Wildlife habitat concerns on Rattlesnake Hill.  Forrest Emery and Greg have sent a letter to Ms. Patricia Huckery requesting that the Natural Heritage Program do an official survey on the property to see if they find any definitive information that the SCC can submit to the ZBA before the final approval for issuing a Chapter 40B Comprehensive permit is processed.

Kathy told the Commission that she has been in contact with Sue Peck regarding the State changes in the Title 5 regulations that would allow for 60-minute perc rates.
Sue said that the issue was discussed at the Board of Health meeting last Monday and Jim Andrews does not anticipate that the perc rate would apply to any land in Sharon.
The Board of Health is in the process of revising Article 7 of their By-laws.

8:40 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Complete Certificate of Compliance, DEP # SE-280-362. Can Four - Furnace Street, Golden Wood Subdivision. Order of Conditions for Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. DEP # SE-280-438.

8:45 p.m. Update on the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plan with Consultant, Joseph B. Kacevich, Jr.:

Joe told the Commission that he has met with Dave Clifton and the Recreation Department and mentioned that Greg was present at some of the meetings. The updated Recreation Master Plan is now ready to be typed.
Joe has recently downloaded the latest version of the workbook that is on-line from the State Division of Conservation Services. The workbook provides a step by step process for updating the Open Space Plan.
Joe suggested to the Commission that it might be appropriate for the individual members of the SCC to take responsibility for upgrading sections 1-5 and Joe would be responsible for sections 6-11 of the Open Space Plan.
Joe presented the Commission with an illustrated copy of an open space survey analysis and suggested that the Commission could establish an open space survey to capture the uniqueness of Sharon.
Joe and the Commission discussed various sites in Sharon where the surveys could be posted such as the Library, Town Hall, DPW, Train Station, and the Town's web site.
In reviewing the questions on the survey the Commission and Joe agreed that the word "regulated" in question 4 should be spelled out and discussed outlining an area on the survey for "written comments".
The Commission concurred to review the Open Space Planner Workbook and the list of suggestions Joe presented for updating the Open Space Plan.

9:15 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn. Hank moved. Mike seconded. Voted. Unanimous.